Recent activities and projects of SCWVS include the following
Recent activities and projects of SCWVS include the following:
Conducting awareness programs in order to increase public awareness on the consequences of war and the use of chemical weapons (and other weapons of mass destruction)
Providing advisory services to the veterans and war victims organization and the government in the fields related to the CW victims
Organizing national and international conferences addressing the Medical, environmental and social consequences of the use of chemical weapons
Conducting oral history projects based on eye witness accounts of the survivors of CW attacks
Increasing awareness in Iran and internationally of the continuing health effects of chemical warfare on both civilians and veterans by preparing educational materials on the topic in Farsi, English, and Japanese.
Educating the Iranian and broader international community on important happenings within the framework of the Chemical Weapons Convention.
Organizing and establishing the Tehran Peace Museum (2005) as part of an international network of peace museums. Its Mission is to raise awareness of the consequences of war, to promote citizen diplomacy, and to educate the public (especially schoolchildren) on peaceful ways to resolve conflict.
Sending delegations of physicians and CW victims to Hiroshima, Japan, each August (from 2004) for the Peace Memorial Ceremony commemorating the 1945 atomic bombing.
Hosting annual (since June 2004) delegations from Hiroshima to Iran for Iran’s National Day for Campaigning against Chemical Weapons. In 2007, Japanese visitors toured sites of CW attacks in Iran and attended the opening ceremony of the Tehran Peace Museum and the unveiling of the Peace Memorial in Tehran City Park.
Organizing exhibitions on consequences of war and gas attacks:
√ At annual Chemical Weapons Convention conferences at The Hague (since 2003),
√ On the 90th anniversary (2005) of the first attack, at Ypres, Belgium,
√ At the Second Special review Conference of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), The Hague, Netherlands, April , 2008.
√ At several US Universities (including Harvard, George Washington, UCLA) during medical and public events of a US tour in May 2008